Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My life is very crazy and busy, but I love it that way.

Wow life is crazy...

I have been working and going to school full time, take care of three kids, maintain a schedule at the gym, and what ever else gets thrown my way. I am so overwhelmed right now...ACK, but the term is coming to an end, and I don't wanna jump the gun yet, cause I don't know if I have passed one of my classes, but I did it! 1 term down, too many more to go. :) Passed math with an "A" and Computers with a "B". My guess is a C to maybe even a B in writing, I'm happy as long as I pass.

Next term I'm back at it again Math, Public Speaking, and Writing again. I was torn between taking a class I wanted to take or the Writing 122, but I'm gonna get the crap out of the way now so I don't have to stress on it later. I am very nervous about both Writing 122, and the public speaking. Eek, we will see how this goes, I may need to use you as an audience, so yay, you can participate too.

As far as the gym, my progress definitely is not what it was the last go round, but the important part is I am going down, and toning up. Last night I found a list of goals that I had written myself, and as reading over them, I realized I didn't come close to accomplishing any of them, or really even starting on them. Tonight, I am going to create something to put on my door so these goals are somewhere I see them everyday, and I can't put off till 'tomorrow'. I know with school this term the program kinda got pushed to the back burner. They are both very important to me, they both require my time, I just need to learn to balance gym, work, kids, and school. I know it can be done, and I'm hoping that during my winter break I can get a bit more organized and set my self up for success in all of these departments.

I am at a point now, where I think I should leave the group. I'm scared to leave, but thinkmaybe I should try, 1 for financial reasons, and 2, because sooner or later I am going to have to do it on my own. So plan of action now, is to finish out the 16 weeks (thank you Keith) and maybe venture out to learn how to do this on my own. I am confident I can continue to lose and get in shape, I think that I have a good support system, and plenty of people willing to help...Thank you all!

Kid life has been good. Kids obviously are so excited for Christmas, Aiden is really excited about all the lights, loved meeting Santa, and he wants a train, that's all just a train. Easy enough. Aaron and Marissa, are really excited to go to Glama's house for Christmas, and so am I!!! 16 more days!!!

Last week I went to a story reading with Marissa at her school, she read a story she wrote. She really does have an amazing writing voice, and I got to hear it, it was incredible! I am very proud of her!!!

Aaron had his first viola concert last night. Unfortunately Heath and I had what we thought would be prime seating, however the conductor (is that what they are called) was standing directly in our line of sight the whole time. Either way, I was very proud of him, he was so nervous. He has another concert this Friday at his school that I look forward to attending, and recording. I'll post it online when I have a chance.

Anyways, someone asked me last week to keep up on the Blog, so there ya have it, my life in a nutshell right now...

Lots of love~