Thursday, July 14, 2011

Controversy on surrogacy...who knew?

I decided to do a paper on surrogacy for school because my teacher introduced me to class as a surrogate, despite its controversy...what??? What controversy? I had no idea, until I began to search. It blew my mind, different legalities, moral and ethical, selling babies, treating children as just kept going. Some states its legal, but not to pay your surrogate, some states its legal for man and wife, but not for a same sex couple, some its just illegal all together, and some it just depends on the type of surrogacy.

Just sayin' I had no idea. I really haven't faced any negativity, and for that I'm grateful.

What's up with the haters in our world today?

It so hard for me to imagine the animosity. I grew up in Willamina, we didn't really have diversity that I remember, either that or I was so oblivious to it. I just wonder how I can live so sheltered from society...move to Portland, and not think twice about it.

just random thoughts.

Week 26...almost 3rd trimester

Wow, where has the time gone to?

Lets see whats going on here now...

Week 26 of the pregnancy, time seems to be flying by. I don't know if the dads would necessarily agree on that, but for me it is. Made me realize how close we were getting when she asked me if I registered for Labor and Delivery yet.

It is such an experience I tell you! I love the moments when I almost forget I'm pregnant (yes baby allows this from time to time) , and I feel this little guy using me as a punching bag or a trampoline and I just, i did it, I did what I have been dreaming of since I first gave birth to Aaron 13 years ago. It never fails, I always want to cry. I can't even begin describe what a joy it is. I know there are a few people are worried about me afterward, wondering how I will cope. I honestly can't answer this question. I feel strong, I know this is not our baby, I don't feel an attachment, and as much as I enjoy the pregnancy I can't wait for the day I get to see the joy it brings to Mike, Steven, and Soren! My fears lie elsewhere, not in attachment to the baby.

So as of now, apparently this little guy is about 2.2 lbs the calendar says, and the length of a cucumber. Its reassuring to know size of baby, the bigger the better. I'm pretty sure that 2.2 lbs has got to be muscles, he is just pushing me every which way he can, and when I have a full bladder, he attacks it with a vengeance. It's quite funny at times. He has kicked Aiden in the head, which Aiden thought was hilarious. I really don't think the older kids will really be phased by whats going on...especially now they have a little brother or sister on the way, but Aiden I'm curious. I know he knows the baby isn't ours, but I don't know if he fully understands. He proudly tells others that this is not ours...we'll see.