Thursday, April 28, 2011

oops forgot to post this forever ago...Week 15

Over this last week I realized I should be more consistent on when and where I'm journaling the pregnancy. I have papers, emails to myself, notepad, and word, as well as one on my blog. I need to compile them all together. So I think I'm going to find what I have, and compile it in one the events of this week, I think I'll have time soon to get this all organized and put together.

So without a play by play, that I have written somewhere week we had a complication in the pregnancy, Monday, Keith, Mike, and I spent the evening in the emergency room for bleeding, to have them say they don't know why, sometimes it just happens. Wednesday morning, same issue with the bleeding, so I called the doc's office, and left an urgent message. over 4 hours go by without a call back, so I called to ask them what actually classifies as 'urgent', and after explaining again, I was transferred to the midwife on call right away. I spoke with Michelle and she said that after reviewing the ultrasound again, they determined that I have a complete placenta previa. This is where the placenta is covering the cervix.

So anyways, no bedrest, but pelvic rest. For those of you who don't know what that is...Lifting no more than a gallon of milk, no over doing it and super sex, ok I can handle that...wait a min...WHAT??? No orgasm either? EEK! Apparently these can all trigger contractions, which leads to bleeding which equals bad. :( Let me tell you now, still on the super shares...This was a true test to Keith to see how much that boy loves me. It's not like I couldn't offer services to him...but I was still a bit upset about my restrictions that I hadn't quite come around to accepting what others were allowed to do. He says, "but you promised me a teeter totter" Yup, thats my Keith! This guy is a trooper, my mom gave him props, said he must really love me. :) The feelings is mutual, I guess it just was allowing us to develop other aspects of a relationship.

JUMPING TO TODAY: Anyways, this time has now passed...the previa is completely gone, as well as the restrictions. We have a normal healthy pregnancy. :)

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