Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I suppose an introduction is in order...

Good afternoon everyone,

I wanted to create this blog so my friends and family can keep updated on whats going on in my life without having to filter through face book and what not, and also so I have a place to journal the things going in my life. I imagine that most of this will be fitness related since right now, other than my kids, that has taken #1 priority in my life.

So since this is the first we'll cover everything from me, to kids, to fitness.

Start with my kids. They are getting so big! Aaron started 6th grade this year, its crazy to think how big he is getting. He is in orchestra playing the viola this year, and he also is trying to get into the morning choir, which is awesome. I am proud of him that he is willing to give up his morning time with friends to be in choir, I'm so happy that he is so passionate about music. Also as part of CAFE(the after school program), he is trying to be a Junior Staff, which basically just helps the younger kids with homework, and helps the teachers with any tasks they need. He is excited for the program again this year!

Marissa is doing good as well, she is in 4th grade, with Ms. Farrell. I love her teacher, she has a lot of qualities that I like, one being how much homework she gives. In the previous years Marissa was given a weekly packet that she could knock out in about 20 min, now she is given nightly homework, that seems to challenge her. Things are looking good for her!

Aiden, well he is Aiden. He is 3 years old now, potty trained, and I'm working on getting him into preschool I think he could really benefit from being around other kids his age on a daily basis. He is probably at the cutest stage ever right now, I always enjoy my time with him.

and Me...

I started school again yesterday, full time. So now between working full time, kids, school, and the gym I'm sorry if I slack on 'us'. I promise I'll come around sometime, but its kinda crazy right now. I only get to raise these kids once, only get to live once, and I can't trade this body in when I'm tired of it like a car, otherwise I would have years ago, so I'm gonna treat it right and take care of it and myself.

As far as my fitness, today is the official 13 week weigh in, and I am down 25 pounds. It's something I never thought I would accomplish, its also something I never thought I would be so passionate about, and many thanks goes to Becky who has been an incredible inspiration to me. I have completely changed my view on things, I'm constantly finding new muscles, and discovering new curves. I'm lovin' it!!! Crazy thing is it was so much easier than I ever thought. Small changes made the biggest difference in this, buying fat free or sugar free, not wasting my calories on beverages such as soda and juices, eating more...yup thats right MORE, I feel like I'm always eating, and making it a point to do something physical everyday.

So anyways, that's my life in a nutshell right now...

Love you all...XOXO

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