Sunday, October 30, 2011

An Amazing Journey...

Here he is everyone:
Baby Shep
9lbs 7 oz
20 1/4"

Wow guys, It's been 2 weeks. I wanted to wait to let things sink in a bit, depression to kick in, feeling like I'm missing something...something along those lines, but nothing. Pretty grateful for that. I knew the risks, and still do, as well as all of you. I know you have been worried for me, and I appreciate your thoughts!

So 2 weeks ago I got to fulfill something I have wanted to do for over 10 years. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, 9lbs 7 oz (yikes!!!) and I got to give this little guy over to his family. I can't even describe to you how amazing that felt, to finally after over a year of meeting this incredible family, to help them complete it. The smiles on their faces, and seeing their older son light up when he saw his new baby brother! Seriously people, you should do it, or at least witness it sometime!

It was an easy labor up until the end, but seriously, 9lbs 7 oz. I have never been so physically drained after any of my kids, but then again, my kids were much much easier, and went much smoother, it was a long day, and night, and took awhile to recover my body after that, but I'm feeling 'normal' again.

So questions everyone keeps asking:

How are you doing? I have only had one moment where for a split second I felt alone, and it was sad. On my first day back to work, driving in I realized that this little man wasn't inside me, dancing along to the music, or that he wasn't there for me to bust out some sugarland 'Car'aoke too, but overall there is not better answer how I'm doing than great! I have never been so proud of myself for accomplishing something I have always wanted to do. Also very proud of the fact that I am doing good. I know I went into it thinking, I don't want more kids...yadda yadda, but in reality I am a woman, who carried a baby for 9 months, I have hormones, and at times they will take over...but they haven't, well not yet anyways. I'll keep ya posted.

Does it feel weird? Yes, yes it does...2 weeks ago I was pregnant, exhausted, and uncomfortable, last night I slept on my belly and didn't wake 3 times to pee, I don't wake to a crying baby, but I do to sore boobs, and I have a massive supply of breast milk in my freezer at any given moment...yes, it is very weird indeed, but not in a bad weird kinda way.

Does it make you want a baby? Nope, not at all. I have a 13 year old boy that reminds me everyday why I don't want more. Just kidding. :) Babies are adorable, they make the cutest sounds, and do the cutest things, but I love what I have now, and don't feel like I need or want that in my life. This is what friends are have babies for me to love, and send home!

Will you keep in contact? Yes, first of all, I'm pumping for baby Shep, hence the freezer full of milk, its not for Keith's coffee :), and second of all, I got matched with a great family, and they want Shep, and their other son to know their birth stories. This is actually something I was really hoping for in a family, its an incredible journey we took together as a team. Lots of memories on my side, and I'm sure on their side as well.

Would you do it again? For a heartbeat, but with an epidural next time, that was a big baby! With someone else, I don't think so, I just don't think I could possibly beat the experience I had this time.

So right now I am creating a scrapbook, or memory book, or cd of some sort for our family to remember our journey. If you can think of anything I should possibly add into it, please let me know. I am open to thoughts and suggestions.

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