Friday, October 9, 2009

It's a bit belated, but wanted to share my first goal

Just wanted to show a few before and afters...I had hit my first goal of losing 20, and being under 200. Now I'm almost to 30, and have new goals set!

To me, I feel the differences more than I see them, but these pictures I found really have put things in perspective for me.

I can't believe I let myself be this way in the past, and I'm so glad that I realized and I am changing things.

This is my first post with pictures, so hopefully I can get these on here right.


  1. You're so friggin' hot!! :) It's nothing short of amazing to see how far you've come, I couldn't be more happy for you! :)

  2. Holy Smokes!! You look so stinkin' amazing!! WooHoo!! Keep it up my friend ~ there's NO STOPPING until your SuperFit~Brandini!

    I am crazy proud of you!
