Saturday, October 17, 2009

The past 16 weeks...

I have successfully completed the first session of the "Human Billboard" Program. 16 weeks of working my ass off (literally) with Becky, and an amazing group of people!!! I have met many new people, with the same goals in mind, and some with different, but all of us working together having fun. I've seen people give up, and go back to living a life of complacency, however I did it, I made 16 weeks, and I have seen amazing changes in me not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

Unfortunately I have not had the final body pinch yet, but you can bet I will have it posted with everything I started at, to what I am currently at. Just from my last pinch I know I had dropped 4% body fat, lost about 27 pounds, and over 10 inches. When I started I was wearing a size 18/20 and now am about 13/14. I no longer HAVE to shop at the larger lady stores, in fact, I really can't. If I want a pair of pants, a shirt, or a dress I can go almost anywhere. I find new muscles all the time, I can wrap my towel around me, I have inspired others to lose weight, or be more active, I am stronger in general, and my fav...I can run! All of these may seem like little things to you, but to me they are accomplishments no matter how small. I have this whole new sense of self confidence, and am so happy that whatever it was finally clicked, and that I am living this life full of no excuses!

I am still not the best I can be at my food choices, but I choose to eat healthier, eat 'less', and can read food labels and somewhat understand. I don't beat myself up for my cheats, even if not on a 'cheat day', and I just move on and try to make better choices the next go round. I am still learning this, and think that to help out that my next term may involve a nutrition class.

I have seen so much support from friends new and old, but on the same page, I have also seen the ones that aren't supportive at all. I really appreciate those of you that have been there for me, you know who you are. You have offered support, and encouragement, offered to go on hikes, eat the food I eat and just in general listened to all my excitement. I honestly can't thank you enough!!! are an absolutely incredible woman, and such an inspiration!!! Words cannot really put into words what you have done for me, you have kept me motivated through this all, laughed with me at my "cheat" and poor choices, knowing I would get back on track, you kept things positive and fun, listened to some of the struggles I have had, and just in been general always been there for me! You saw my capibilites even when I didn't, you have been a friend, and without you I don't know that I would have made it this far. Thank you for believing in me!!!

So for now this is it, Today was the last class, and on Tuesday I start up a new 16 weeks...until then, I am resting (as per Becky) then I'm gonna come back and rock another 16 weeks!!!


1 comment:

  1. I love you <3
    You are amazing and beautiful ~
    Thank you my friend...
