Monday, February 27, 2012

Wedding Planning

So we were set, finally set on a date August 25th, no changing it this time. Surrogacy was done, I'll be finished with school, and it would give us some time to plan and save.

We started backwards, like we always do, and booked the honeymoon first. So NOW we have to get Married the 25th, cause we have to be in Hawaii on the 26th. Yay, I have 7 months to plan something I know nothing about except, white dress.

But, then life happened...and well the date had to change, so now May 26th. Yea that's right, I went from 7 months to 3 months.

No worries, I got this!

So first things, first! Find a venue, that is affordable, beautiful, and will work for both ceremony, and reception to which we found the Bell Tower Chapel:

I went to tour it on a snowy day, the power was out, the basement was flooding, but it was perfect!

So we secured that, now on to our invites/rsvp:

They were so much fun to make...with the exception to the $30 mistake I made by printing Garcia Wrong the first time. :) Even Better than making them, has been getting them back in the mail!

So what's next?

Dresses! This I had no intention of showing anyone, however Kim and Marissa were with me, and I could not hide my excitement for my dress, so they have seen it. As well as their dresses. I can't wait to share my wedding dress photos...but have to wait till after the wedding.

Here is my hanger for the dress shots

Since then we have priced out tuxes, secured a bartender, secured a photographer, priced linen rentals, designed our cake, priced hair/makeup work, florists, received my guest book that I had special ordered, and working on a couple DIY projects that I'm really excited to share. Schedule an engagement shot with our I said, we do things backwards...regardless we get them done though!

So, right now it just seems like a waiting game.

*Note to anyone planning a wedding, DO NOT do it while you are unemployed. You will find your self in front of the internet with endless possibilities, and a lack of funding. It takes alot out of me to drag myself away from the girly wedding stuff that I thought I would never have anything to do with, and I LOVE it!

More to come later...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Don't have time for what???

So last night in 12 minutes

I did:
90 lunges
45 squats
40 kettlebell swings (wish I remembered the weight, I want to say 20lb for first 20, 30 for second set of 20)

Keith did
100 lunges
50.5 squats (he didn't want to get shorted the .5, as he was halfway down when the buzzer went off)
50 kettlebell swings (25lbs for the first 10, 35lbs for remainder)

So, don't tell me you don't have time...

I can't wait to revisit this challenge in month or so and see the progress we have made.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 2 & 3

Embarking on Day 4 today of the whole 30 Challenge...Kelly didn't think I'd make it past today, and Aaron was asking Keith if he thought I cheated yet, I haven't cheated, and if I did, I'd only be lying to myself. I did ALMOST slipped up. I never realized how much I took bites out of my kids food while cooking for them, pudding, mac and cheese, cereal. All those bites licks, and tastes(BLT's according to Becky) count. The one time I did slip up, it ended up being a whole food I was allowed to eat...yay for pistachios!

Day two was much better than day one, dinner just tasted like curry, and I love curry! Day 3...lets just say I went to bed a little hungry. The dinner didn't turn out right, it was mushy and tasted weird, so I ate some of the chicken and called it a night.

Side note: Day 2 & 3 - Killer headache...not sure if they are here so soon, as this is a side affect of the cleanse, but oh my god, it hurt so bad!

I can't thank Kelly enough for doubting me, it just helps me want to prove that I can. I know there have probably been alot of doubters, but none to voice it. So thank you Kelly, and keep your damn oreos out of my sight!

Ok, so another part of the challenge is to stay off the scale for the 30 days, and while yes THIS isn't about losing weight, I am someone that steps on it every morning like clockwork, and writes down the number. I can see the good and bad choices I make and it helps me make the right ones for that day. Watching the number go down is very encouraging to me. I don't want to be 230 again! While THIS challenge isn't about weight loss, it is overall a goal of mine so I'm eager to see what it will say in 26 days. No matter what it says, I'm already feeling so much better physically. fit > skinny, and that is my overall goal, fit, not skinny.

I will say I am counting down the days, and the whole 30 probably won't be a lifestyle, but its a good start to eating whole, and making better choices in the future.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Whole 30, Day 1

So on February 6th we started a Whole 30 challenge. It ISN’T to lose weight, were not starving ourselves, so don't be fooled. For me it’s just to kick start our bodies with our new Cross Fit challenges, and see what it is like to live without processed foods for a month.

Our 'no' list include:
Processed foods - obviously
Sugar - such as brown sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, stevia, honey, or artificial sweeteners
Dairy - no cheese :(
Alcohol - yup, I've officially lost Keith now
White potatoes
Vegetable oils

So what do we eat?

Animals and plants sums it up quite nicely. I agreed to this, and maybe I should have silently so when I craved that Thai food, choc chip cookies...I would only be lying to myself...but NOOO I had to go and hold myself accountable and say "HA, I laugh at challenges...yea I'll do it"

So here we go...

Day 1 - I looked at the cookbook, wrote a shopping list, and went to the market, paid a small fortune came home and was kind of getting excited to cook. I can totally do this...nope, I'm ready to quit, there is a lot to do to prepare. The food smells weird; kids and Keith will never like this, it’s going to be awful. I'm not a cook...all these negative thoughts were coming to me and I was doubting myself and kicking myself in the ass for agreeing to this. I pushed through and figured it’s just Day 1, it will get better.

Keith got home and I lost it, my poor brain was stressed to the max on if food would be good, staying in the challenge, amongst other household stresses.

That night for dinner I made “Shephard’s Pie” The mashed potatoes were replaced with cauliflower, and it wasn’t bad. No one knew what the cauliflower was, the kids just said the mashed potatoes were bland. Score!

Things I learned in day one:

Plan ahead!!! It's alittle overwhelming to take in everything at once
It's expensive...maybe I'm shopping at the wrong week Farmers market
Jicama is NOT pronounced how it looks, and you will get funny looks when pronounced wrong
Crying is ok, and sometimes necessary.

Alright, made it through day 1, 29 to go!

Cross Fit

So I heard about cross fit, and with how much I loved flashing my guns, it sounded amazing to I asked Keith if he wanted to join me as well.

Keith and I joined crossfit on January 30th. A year and a half ago this work out that they are STARTING us on would have been easy...done it with a hand behind my back while doing jumping jacks around the instructor...on this day...not so much, 1.5 years of not working out, poor eating habits, and having a baby wrecked havoc on this body of mine. I went form a size 12/14 to 18/20 ACK! I never wanted to be here again, what happened? Who cares, the damage is done and now were moving forward.

So I pushed through rowing, pushups (which turns out I can't do anymore) and whatever she threw our way. Day 2...waste no time, lets do no! Day 3 KTE (knee to elbow) yay it sounds fun...its not! I tried saying I was afraid of heights, turns out 5" wouldn't classify as "heights", but I did it.

They always talk about muscle memory, my muscles do not remember very well at all it turns out, much like me.

Ok, so a week into cross fit I've already noticed changes. I'm sore again, and love it! I have more energy, and get up and clean the house, wake up and look for work, better moods and super share, but the ole sexual drive is back. These all make a girl...and her man happy. (Your welcome mom, I know you were dying to know)

So were into the routine of cross fit now, and they send me an email about a challenge...Since I'm feeling amazing again, I think, "HA, I laugh at challenges...yea I'll do it"

to be cont...