Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 2 & 3

Embarking on Day 4 today of the whole 30 Challenge...Kelly didn't think I'd make it past today, and Aaron was asking Keith if he thought I cheated yet, I haven't cheated, and if I did, I'd only be lying to myself. I did ALMOST slipped up. I never realized how much I took bites out of my kids food while cooking for them, pudding, mac and cheese, cereal. All those bites licks, and tastes(BLT's according to Becky) count. The one time I did slip up, it ended up being a whole food I was allowed to eat...yay for pistachios!

Day two was much better than day one, dinner just tasted like curry, and I love curry! Day 3...lets just say I went to bed a little hungry. The dinner didn't turn out right, it was mushy and tasted weird, so I ate some of the chicken and called it a night.

Side note: Day 2 & 3 - Killer headache...not sure if they are here so soon, as this is a side affect of the cleanse, but oh my god, it hurt so bad!

I can't thank Kelly enough for doubting me, it just helps me want to prove that I can. I know there have probably been alot of doubters, but none to voice it. So thank you Kelly, and keep your damn oreos out of my sight!

Ok, so another part of the challenge is to stay off the scale for the 30 days, and while yes THIS isn't about losing weight, I am someone that steps on it every morning like clockwork, and writes down the number. I can see the good and bad choices I make and it helps me make the right ones for that day. Watching the number go down is very encouraging to me. I don't want to be 230 again! While THIS challenge isn't about weight loss, it is overall a goal of mine so I'm eager to see what it will say in 26 days. No matter what it says, I'm already feeling so much better physically. fit > skinny, and that is my overall goal, fit, not skinny.

I will say I am counting down the days, and the whole 30 probably won't be a lifestyle, but its a good start to eating whole, and making better choices in the future.

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