Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Whole 30, Day 1

So on February 6th we started a Whole 30 challenge. It ISN’T to lose weight, were not starving ourselves, so don't be fooled. For me it’s just to kick start our bodies with our new Cross Fit challenges, and see what it is like to live without processed foods for a month.

Our 'no' list include:
Processed foods - obviously
Sugar - such as brown sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, stevia, honey, or artificial sweeteners
Dairy - no cheese :(
Alcohol - yup, I've officially lost Keith now
White potatoes
Vegetable oils

So what do we eat?

Animals and plants sums it up quite nicely. I agreed to this, and maybe I should have silently so when I craved that Thai food, choc chip cookies...I would only be lying to myself...but NOOO I had to go and hold myself accountable and say "HA, I laugh at challenges...yea I'll do it"

So here we go...

Day 1 - I looked at the cookbook, wrote a shopping list, and went to the market, paid a small fortune came home and was kind of getting excited to cook. I can totally do this...nope, I'm ready to quit, there is a lot to do to prepare. The food smells weird; kids and Keith will never like this, it’s going to be awful. I'm not a cook...all these negative thoughts were coming to me and I was doubting myself and kicking myself in the ass for agreeing to this. I pushed through and figured it’s just Day 1, it will get better.

Keith got home and I lost it, my poor brain was stressed to the max on if food would be good, staying in the challenge, amongst other household stresses.

That night for dinner I made “Shephard’s Pie” The mashed potatoes were replaced with cauliflower, and it wasn’t bad. No one knew what the cauliflower was, the kids just said the mashed potatoes were bland. Score!

Things I learned in day one:

Plan ahead!!! It's alittle overwhelming to take in everything at once
It's expensive...maybe I'm shopping at the wrong week Farmers market
Jicama is NOT pronounced how it looks, and you will get funny looks when pronounced wrong
Crying is ok, and sometimes necessary.

Alright, made it through day 1, 29 to go!

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